The news source for production enthusiasts


Venue Installation Focus on Automated Systems: Intelligent Hoist Control & CM D8+ Lodestars

The increasing popularity of automated installation systems in venues such as stadiums and arenas is being seen all across the country. More so than ever, venues are taking their time to invest in systems that give them the most flexibility when it comes to positioning and placement, and solutions that reduce their labor costs over time. Intelligent controlled systems combining hoist control and electric chain hoists have revolutionized the way venue managers think about their event schedule.

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9 Things to Consider When Looking for a Safety Harness

Getting the right safety harness is a very important task—after all, your life depends on it. With all of the different options, styles, features, and configurations available, there are a few things to consider before rushing out to invest in your new harness.

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[FEATURED PRODUCT] Full Line of 3M™ DBI-SALA® Full-Body Industrial Safety Harnesses Now Available at

No matter what industry you’re in or what profession you call your own, we now have a full-body safety harness just for you. The entire line of 3M™ DBI-SALA® and Protecta® Full-Body Harnesses has just been launched on! This product offering brings the trust and quality that has made 3M™ DBI-SALA one of the leading providers of safety and fall protection equipment to workers in an extensive range of industries including entertainment production, oil and gas, construction, wind energy, rope access, rescue, welding, and many more.

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[FEATURED PRODUCT] Gig Gloves — Professional Work Gloves You Won’t Have to Take Off All Day

Gigging, touring, theater, and every type of production worker needs reliable hand protection for their every day jobs. Gig Gloves are some of the best work gloves available and unlike their competition, you won’t have to take these off throughout the day. Many standard work gloves are often bulky and don’t offer much dexterity when it comes to making fine tune adjustments and precise movements or operating touch-screen devices. This is where Gig Gloves stand out from the crowd.

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[EVENT RECAP] Graduation Day Across the States – 2017 Commencement Stages

“We don’t stop going to school when we graduate.” —Carol Burnett

Graduation is a big stepping stone for students and the milestone that launches them into their futures. We’re always extremely proud of the work we do each year during commencement season because of how important these moments are for so many students, teachers, parents, and families around the country. Our goal is to provide the platform where lifelong memories are born, and commencements are some of those wonderful celebrations that are reminisced on time and time again.

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[FEATURED PRODUCT] Hands-Free Gear Organization and Instant Mobile Device Access from RUNNUR, Now Available on

Imagine this scenario: You’re working onsite and get a phone call, making you fumble in your pocket or backpack just as your supervisor radios you in over your walkie-talkie. On top of this, you have one hand holding your iPad that you now have to put down and hopefully not forget on the cart as you screen your phone call and return the radio call.

Now imagine this. You have all of your most-used gear and devices securely by your side at all times with instant access and hands-free carrying.

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[EVENT RECAP] Google I/O 2017

Few companies have reached the status that Google has achieved in the technological world. Let’s face it, the word “google” is now a common verb synonymous with words like “search”, “discover”, and “learn”—and this is no coincidence. Google’s influence on the digital community is massive and they remain on the cutting edge of new, innovative ideas on how technology can interact with human activity. They’ve conquered the internet and are climbing the developmental mountain as leaders of VR and AI.

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From Protractors to Modern Day DISTOS: An Appreciation of Measuring Tools Throughout History

The creation and practice of measuring instruments is arguably one of the best indicators of technological progress we can identify in early civilization. When civilization was in its infancy, people needed a way to understand and calculate a variety of tasks, including bartering food and raw materials, making clothing, and constructing buildings that would collectively form cities, communities, places of worship, and more. This is where the importance of measurement systems becomes glaringly obvious.

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[PROJECT RECAP] An Industrial Hoist Solution for Sherwood Freightliner

We are experts at production technology. You’d be hard pressed to find our crew with clean hands and we share a passion for making things work, no matter if it’s on stage or in the shop.

Beyond the entertainment industry, Mountain Productions’ Industrial department stays on the cutting edge of hoist and lifting equipment to bring the quality service that Mountain is known for. Our industrial team is proud to have completed a hoist system for one of trucking’s biggest names in the game: Freightliner.

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On the Mountain: “What Was Your Favorite MTN Event?”

Mountain Productions has produced more than 16,000 of the world’s largest and most elite events. In our first ever “On the Mountain”, we asked five members of the Mountain team which event was their favorite to work with and why. Here’s what they had to say:

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