Often, our stages and equipment are built on well-kept fields and turf that needs to be protected during an event. Not to mention all of the forklifts and vehicles that need to drive around an event site that could potentially damage the ground it travels on. Situations like this require proper flooring and ground cover. Mountain Productions stocks a variety of ground cover options from Terraplas USA, a company dedicated to creating products that protect your turf. Here are 3 of the flooring products that we commonly use, along with the features that separate them from the competition:
Staging Spotlight
[STAGING SPOTLIGHT] Commencement Staging – Creating a Memorable Event for an Important Milestone
Over the years, we have worked with universities all over the country designing and building commencement stages that are unforgettable. Graduation season is right around the corner, and every college is gearing up for this year’s ceremony. The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) projects that 1,855,000 students will graduate in 2015*. Students deserve a graduation ceremony that they will remember for years to come; after all, it is one of the most important milestones of their lives. We’re in the business of creating memorable experiences, and Mountain Productions is no stranger to staging graduations and commencements.
[STAGING SPOTLIGHT] Enhance Your Mobile Stage with Additional Scaffold Wings
The popularity of mobile stages has been growing over the past few years. These stages revolutionized the industry, and provided more affordable, portable and efficient alternatives to traditional staging. While a tower system, scaffold staging or our Mountain Truss can offer more features (greater flexibility, custom designed, greater load bearing capacity, etc.), mobile stages deliver a dependable system that you may be surprised are not just “one-size-fits-all” units.
Efficiency—it’s one of the most beneficial aspects of mobile stages that is a huge factor to production companies. But just because they are easily set up doesn’t mean that you can’t maximize your event’s design.
[STAGING SPOTLIGHT] Sitewide protection with 3 barricade products
Having planned security and safety systems at every event is crucial. Barricade products can help you to maintain control of your crowd, and there are many ways to utilize the different types of barricade to maximize your investment in event safety. Let’s take a look at 3 barricade products that while all having unique applications, provide peace of mind to event coordinators as well as patrons.
Freestanding Barricade – Crowd Control
Crowd control barricade is a freestanding barricade product that is designed to keep your audience contained without interfering with their experience. Made out of lightweight, yet extremely durable aluminum, crowd control barricade stands up to years of use.
[STAGING SPOTLIGHT] Softgoods – For a variety of application and decoration
Softgoods are a great “finishing touch” to a stage aesthetic. Beyond providing first-rate advertising and branding space, softgoods are utilized for a variety of applications on our stages, both practical and decorative. Here are a few ways we use various vinyl, mesh and other softgood materials on our staging systems.
You’ll see many of our stages fit with black scrim to create a finished look to the structure. Our scrim shop uses a 14oz Vinyl Coated Polyester (VCP) Mesh as our standard black scrim. This material is tested and certified as flame retardant, ensuring a safe softgoods solution.
[STAGING SPOTLIGHT] Can I put the stage …here? – 4 of our most unique staging locations
The more adapted you are, the less adaptable you tend to be. – Unknown
Over the years, we have been privileged to stage events all over the world. Each event brought its own challenges and solutions, as well as a unique location to build upon. Sometimes our engineers are given a site survey showing a large field and relatively flat land for staging outdoor concerts and festivals. But more often than not, this is not the case.
[STAGING SPOTLIGHT] 360 Degree Viewing – Mountain Productions’ Turntable Stage
Mountain’s custom turntable stage is a great staging option for unique venues and performances. Our turntable is a 60′ stage built on flat decks (or can even be operated on the ground if requested) and sits 19″ above the stage. Custom corner filler decks complete the turntable stage, which can be move in either direction and at variable speeds.

The turntable stage being built in our yard
Recently, Mountain Productions brought the turntable stage to a sold out George Strait concert in San Antonio. A record breaking 73,086 fans were in attendance for the George Strait concert at the Alamodome, with special guests Martina McBride and Miranda Lambert.
[STAGING SPOTLIGHT] NEW! – SL-260 Mobile Autostage now available
Mountain Productions is excited to announce the addition of the SL-260 mobile autostage to our fleet.
The SL-260 is another top quality mobile stage that is very similar to the SL-250, but with increased rigging capabilities. The 260 offers a higher trim (20′ from the deck) and an optional extended upstage area. With the added space, the deck size is increased to 32′ x 32′ at full height. The stage left and right sound points are rated at 2,000 lbs each, double the capacity of the SL-250.