February 11, 2025 mountainproductions

MTN Weather Module Wins 2025 Parnelli Award

On January 24th, in Anaheim California, we were honored to win the Parnelli Award for Indispensable Technology – Staging & Effects for our MTN Weather Module. We would like to thank everyone who took the time to vote for us as this win would not have been possible without your support.

Staging and sales team vice presidents with CEO.

“We developed the MTN Weather Module for one simple reason, which is to enhance safety in the field with severe inclement weather events that are affecting our industry.” This system includes “a standalone unit with AI technology and the best platforms,” says Ricky Rose, CEO of MTN.

Mountain CEO Ricky Rose with Parnelli Award.

We’re excited to continue the development of our MTN Weather Module in collaboration with Meteomatics, a leading weather technology platform. A big thank you to the whole MTN team and especially our design and engineering departments. Our goal is to continue to provide the entertainment industry with leading edge technology and hardware across all areas of the MTN brand.

MTN weather module with logo

For further information reach out to our team  info@mountainproductions.com or calling (570) 826-5566.  Check out our website at: https://www.mountainproductions.com/.

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