With commencement season in full swing, our teams have been busy right along the East Coast preparing and setting the stage for the graduating class of 2022. From large main stages to compact mobile stages and everything in between, commencement season is a special time of year not only for the graduates themselves but also the Mountain Production’s team.
From Florida to Pennsylvania, our crews have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure this year’s graduates get a send-off to remember. See below for a complete rundown of our 2022 commencement staging.
Florida International University
Our 2022 commencement season kicked off at Florida International University on April 30th – May 1st for the University’s Spring Commencement ceremony. Decking out FIU Stadium, we supplied a complete staging, video wall and rigging package that included our MTN Cubes. The Cubes are our proprietary ballast system engineered to ensure maximum space efficiency, strength and premium aesthetics by enhancing sight lines with their compact design.

The University of North Carolina
Returning to The University of North Carolina for their Spring Commencement on May 8th, almost 6,200 graduates had the opportunity to walk across our SP-1 Main Stage at Kenan Memorial Stadium. Designed and engineered for quick builds, the SP-1 featured a 56’ wide performance area with a loading capacity of 72,400 lbs.

Lock Haven University
On May 14th, our team brought our SL-250 mobile stage and complete rigging package to Lock Haven University for their 2022 commencement ceremony. As our most popular mobile stage, the SL-250 features a 32’ x 24’ performance area and, despite its size, an impressive total rigging capacity of 12,000 lbs. Also included with the SL-250 were two custom-built ADA ramps providing graduates with a seamless entrance to and exit from the stage.

Delaware State University
With a record number of graduates completing their degrees in the 2021-2022 school year, Delaware State University truly had reason to celebrate on Saturday, May 14th. For the University’s 2022 commencement ceremony, our team supplied a 28’ x 34’ stage that included two 4’ x 4’ risers, handrails and ADA ramps.

Rutgers University
Celebrating the graduation of over 13,000 students on Sunday, May 15th, our team was on hand at Rutgers University to provide the staging, flooring and additional structures for their 256th anniversary commencement. We supplied our SP-1 Main Stage for the occasion which was flanked by two 25’ x 49’ covered wings and two 40’ x 28’ side stages. In addition, we provided 95,000 sq./ft of Terratrak Plus ground cover to protect the turf beneath from heavy machinery and the large crowds in attendance.

University of Pennsylvania
Next up on our commencement travels was our annual return to the University of Pennsylvania from May 16th – 22nd. We always enjoy returning to Franklin Field for UPenn’s iconic outdoor commencement ceremony that features our two scaffold walls and custom-designed canopy structure on the center stage deck. This year’s ceremony was not only incredibly special for the class of 2022, but also for the class of 2020 and 2021 grad students who finally got the chance to celebrate their fantastic achievements in front of a crowd of 14,000 people.

Wake Forest University
Set against the backdrop of the elegant Wake Chapel building, 2,200 Wake Forest University graduates filled Hearn Plaza on May 16th to celebrate commencement. The Mountain Productions team built the main stage area that featured our Tomcat Roof System which, standing at 45’ wide, has a total rigging capacity of 63,240 lbs.

Johns Hopkins University
Not even inclement weather could stop the class of 2022 from taking to our SL-320 Mobile Stage at Johns Hopkins University on Monday, May 23rd. With a 40’ x 40’ performance area and total rigging capacity of 26,000 lbs, our SL-320 also included video screen supports providing additional visuals to both the graduates and their families in attendance.

Contact Us
As the 2022 commencement season comes to a close, we would like to extend our congratulations to all of this years’ graduates and also to our hard-working crews.
It’s never too early to start planning. If you’re interested in a Mountain Productions’ Staging System at your next commencement ceremony, don’t hesitate to contact us. We offer full production services and can provide every aspect of your event production requirements. Send us a note here or give us a call at (570) 826-5566.