CLICK TO VIEW “Empire State Vertigo”
Our July Fall Protection & Safety promotion is wrapping up in the upcoming weeks and we wanted to share an interesting glimpse into the time before fall protection equipment was put into use. The Empire State Building is an iconic feat of architecture, standing 102 stories tall (holding the title of world’s tallest building for 40 years!). Did you ever see pictures of how it was built?

The following article presents amazing curated images of the fearless workers who built the Empire State Building in 1930s—without fall protection. Occupational safety and personal fall protection equipment has come a long way.
Thankfully now, we don’t have to stand hundreds of stories up in the air with nothing but a narrow beam between us and the ground. Fall protection is one of the most important investments you can make—upgrade your safety inventory with our discounted fall protection promo until the end of the month!
CLICK TO VIEW “Empire State Vertigo”
Text and Research: Amanda Uren
Curation: Chris Wild
Banner Image Credit: BETTMANN/CORBIS